Travertine Timeless: 5 Choices for Monumental Building Material

Travertine Introduction Travertine, often distinguished between white and beige varieties, comes in lighter and darker shades, sometimes called yellow or white “cave stone” in English. In geological terms, it is known as tufa or limestone. Its main characteristic is the presence of gas during the deposition of carbonate minerals, which leads to the formation of […]

Beige Travertine Slab
Beige Travertine Slab:The most popular travertine in 2024

Seeing the Beauty of Beige Travertine Slab: An All-Inclusive Handbook Background Information Architects, designers, and homeowners have long favoured beige travertine slab because of its classic beauty and inherent appeal. We go deeply into the history, properties, uses, and appeal of beige travertine in this comprehensive book.   Beige Travertine Slab—what is it? One kind […]